Shades Special


Yellow Eba

Original price was: £5.00.Current price is: £2.00.

Discover the Exquisite Delight of Yellow Eba, a Treasured Nigerian Culinary Gem. This Vibrant Dish Features Eba, Made from Cassava Flour, Skillfully Infused with Natural Yellow Coloring, Resulting in a Unique and Flavorful Experience Rooted in the Rich Culinary Traditions of Nigeria.


Discover the Exquisite Delight of Yellow Eba, a Treasured Nigerian Culinary Gem. This Vibrant Dish Features Eba, Made from Cassava Flour, Skillfully Infused with Natural Yellow Coloring, Resulting in a Unique and Flavorful Experience Rooted in the Rich Culinary Traditions of Nigeria.


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